Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pres. Duterte To Visit Kids With Cancer In Davao


Pres. Duterte To Visit Kids With Cancer In Davao


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President Rodrigo Duterte will not end the year without visiting the cancer-stricken kids at the House of Hope here, an official said.

In an interview, Senator Christopher Lawrence Go said the President will be visiting the facility on December 28, three days after Christmas day.

Go said that it has been 18 years since its establishment, and Duterte allotted his time every year to celebrate Christmas with the kids.

Go said Duterte will be interacting with the children and their parents as well as give gifts.

He also said despite his busy schedule, the visit has been a tradition of the President.

“Our President really loves the children. He will really find time to visit and be with them,” Go said.

In February this year, an official from the House of Hope announced that Duterte donated his house in Margarita Village along J.P. Laurel Avenue here to the cancer-stricken kids.

Fatima-Inderah Disomimba, House of Hope Foundation vice president, said the property was transferred to them last January based on a deed of donation signed by the President.

Before giving the house, Duterte already allowed the use of his three-bedroom house in the said address for the past years to the House of Hope.

Meanwhile, the House of Hope has been receiving various aids from different organizations.

In a recent interview, Dr. Mae Dolendo, House of Hope program director, announced its renovation as well as new developments in the facility.

“With their help, it would give a big impact on the survival of these kids,” she said, adding that before its renovation, the house accommodated about 30 to 40 patients per day.

“This time it can accommodate up to 100 patients per day for the coming 50 to 70 years,” she added. (PNA)

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