Friday, September 20, 2024

Duterte Urges Parents To Get Their Kids Vaccinated


Duterte Urges Parents To Get Their Kids Vaccinated


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President Rodrigo Duterte has encouraged parents to get their children vaccinated to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

In a brief message aired in PTV-4, Duterte expressed support to the Department of Health (DOH) and its partners, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, as they hold the nationwide measles, rubella, and polio supplemental immunization activity.

He said that the prevailing coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic should teach lessons about addressing such health issues.

“The most important lesson that we are learning from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is that the health risks posed by the spread of communicable diseases must be seriously addressed,” he said.

Duterte called on stakeholders to support the government’s immunization program for the benefit of the entire community.

“I, therefore, call on parents of children under five years old as well as the local government leaders and other community stakeholders to support the immunization activity. Together, let us safeguard the well-being of our children and ensure a healthier future for our nation,” he added.

Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria that people spread through contact with contaminated sources, bodily fluids, blood products, insect bites, or through air.

Vaccination is an important part of communicable disease control world-wide, according to the DOH.

Last October, the DOH said it will conduct a nationwide immunization campaign to prevent a predicted measles outbreak next year.

An estimated 2.4 children under the age of 5 are also susceptible to measles, one of the world’s most contagious diseases. (PNA)

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