Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rep. Gonzalez Calls For Inclusion Of Seafarers In COVID-19 Vaccination Program


Rep. Gonzalez Calls For Inclusion Of Seafarers In COVID-19 Vaccination Program


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MARINO Party-list first representative Sandro Gonzalez urged the Department of Health (DOH) to include seafarers in the government’s priority list as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the Philippines.

According to the lawmaker, if there is one thing that the global crisis revealed, it is that the Filipino seafarers play a vital role in combating the ill-effects of the COVID-19.

“In recognition of their critical role in maintaining the supply of needed medical supplies, food, and other basic necessities for our country’s COVID-19 crisis response, it is prudent that the government should put our seafarers on the priority list to be inoculated so they could continue performing their jobs,” Gonzalez said.

In line with the call to prioritize seafarers, the party-list has authored House Resolution No. 01473 to ensure that the sector would not be left behind when the vaccine arrives.

“We already filed a house resolution to address this concern and as soon as the vaccine becomes available locally, we will work hard to ensure that Filipino seafarers will have access to the vaccine. This is to show our seafarers that we value their contributions in fighting this pandemic,” Gonzalez said.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Carlo “Sandro” Gonzalez

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