Monday, September 30, 2024

House Leader Condemns Killing Of Journalist Jesus Malabanan


House Leader Condemns Killing Of Journalist Jesus Malabanan


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ACT-CIS Party-list Rep. Rowena Niña Taduran condemned the killing of a Manila Standard journalist as she called on the authorities to immediately resolve this crime against another member of the Fourth Estate.

The House Assistant Majority Leader said Jesus Malabanan’s death is totally unacceptable, especially at this time when the government has taken a proactive stance to prevent violence against journalists.

“I am shocked at how journalists are being silenced by bullets. Their courage stems from their desire to tell the truth. We must not allow violence to kill that flame,” Taduran said in a news release on Thursday.

The solon said media needs protection and security to allow them to continue fulfilling their jobs.

“The Presidential Task Force on Media Security under its Executive Director Joel Egco is doing its best to give protection to the media workers. But media would need more than the help of a government agency. Media workers need a law to give them security. And that’s what the Media Workers Welfare Bill is aiming to do,” Taduran said.

The bill has been elevated to the Senate and just waiting for the consolidated version before it could be signed by the President. (PNA)

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