Monday, September 30, 2024

Velasco: ‘Preserve Indigenous And Traditional Writing Systems’


Velasco: ‘Preserve Indigenous And Traditional Writing Systems’


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The House of Representatives approved the proposed House Bill (HB) No.10657 with over 197-0 votes on the third and final reading. 

HB No. 10657 or The Philippine Indigenous and Traditional Writing Systems Act emphasized the importance of promoting and preserving Baybayin, an ancient syllabary script that was used by Filipinos during the Spanish Occupation.

“It is our time for our country to revisit our past through one of its cultural remnants, our indigenous and traditional writing systems,” stated Speaker Lord Allan Velasco, the Bill’s principal author. 

Velasco referred to the current system as “lost but not forgotten,” addressing that Baybayin and other indigenous and traditional writing scripts should be preserved as part of the country’s restoration.  

“There is a need to promote, protect, preserve and conserve Philippine indigenous and traditional systems as tools for cultural development, for instilling national pride, and for protecting Filipino cultural heritage and identity,” Velasco added. 

The Bill ordered the Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to impose the indigenous and traditional writing systems as part of the curriculum taken by the basic and higher education. The Bill also included creating an elective or specialized course in higher education.

In line with this, the said Bill also aims to support activities in raising awareness particularly Buwan ng Wika and other relevant occasions, urging to conduct seminars, conferences, and conventions to promote the study of such traditional writing systems. 

The National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA) was assigned to lead the protection, preservation, and conservation of the indigenous writing system in compliance with Republic Act No. 10066 or the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009. 

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