Monday, September 30, 2024

House To Expand Opportunities For Women’s Leadership: Velasco


House To Expand Opportunities For Women’s Leadership: Velasco


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Speaker Lord Allan Velasco on Tuesday assured that the House of Representatives will continue to support efforts toward gender equality and opportunities for women “to claim their rightful place in positions of leadership.”

Velasco made the commitment as the world celebrates International Women’s Day.

He said the country would be more resilient in the face of any crisis “when women work side by side with men in all roles”, including at the highest levels of decision-making.

“We couldn’t agree more with the statement that when women have the opportunity to raise their voices and achieve their full potential, it strengthens our families, our communities, and our economy,” he said in a statement.

The annual commemoration, he said, is an important reminder of “how far the world has come ” in terms of gender equality and recognizing the role and importance of women in society.

He said it is also a time to show respect and admiration to all women in the Philippines for their resilience and leadership during the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.

“Filipino women have been at the frontlines in the response to Covid-19. Women-dominated occupations, such as health professionals, have played an enormous role in efforts to flatten the curve of infection and position the country for economic recovery,” he said.

He, however, pointed out that women continue to face obstacles in the struggle for equality and fairness, and the fight against discrimination in all its forms.

“We must not waver in our commitment to ensure that women have equal rights and opportunities and are protected from violence,” he added. (PNA)


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