Monday, September 30, 2024

Congress Approves The Philippine Bamboo Industry Development Act


Congress Approves The Philippine Bamboo Industry Development Act


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Deputy Speaker and Las Piñas Rep. Camille Villar lauded the approval of House Bill No. 9576 or the Philippine Bamboo Industry Development Act after it passed the third and final reading in Congress. 

Villar cited that bamboo has a huge impact on our lives and it is essential for our farmers and growers. 

“Bamboo may soon become the ideal construction material of the future because of its durability and sustainability. Over the years, acceptance of bamboo as an important material in various construction projects reinforced its significance in the more traditional market,” said Villar.

Under the bill, aside from formulating a development program for local bamboo variants, incentives would also be given to investors in bamboo plantations such as exemption from pay rental for commercial bamboo plantations owned by the government for the first five years of operation, exemption of private plantations from securing permits for harvesting and transporting bamboo, and exemption from payment of forest charges or any other fees that local governments may impose.

“This will be a great opportunity to fully develop our local bamboo industry and teach our bamboo farmers with proper technology to craft more sustainable products in order to reach the much-needed success of this booming industry,” Villar added.

Photo Credit: Facebook/camillevillarofficial

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