Sunday, September 29, 2024

Misamis Oriental Rep. Uy Urges DOH To Translate COVID-19 Materials To Regional Languages


Misamis Oriental Rep. Uy Urges DOH To Translate COVID-19 Materials To Regional Languages


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Misamis Oriental 2nd District Representative Juliette T. Uy cites language as a vital factor in encouraging Filipinos to participate in the the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) vaccination program.

According to the Vice Chair of Committee on Appropriations, translating the information surrounding the rollout would be more effective if it would be translated to Cebuano, Maguindanao, Hiligaynon, Kiray-a, Waray, Bicol, Kapampangan, Ilocano languages.

She shared that she already saw the Tagalized materials of the Department of Health (DOH).

However, she insists that “much more needs to be done.

“A multimedia integrated communications campaign must be quickly rolled out with doctors and nurses explaining in tv broadcasts, advertisements, videos, audio, and text-only posts the details the people need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines,” Uy urged.

“For the indigenous peoples, specialists in their languages must be mobilized. The Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino and the language departments of the SUCs and private colleges and universities should be mobilized as well in the advocacy campaign,” she added.

As of writing, the government announced that they will prioritize health workers, indigent senior citizens, remaining senior citizens, indigent population, uniformed personnel, and families of soldiers once the vaccine rolls out.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Juliette Uy

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