Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rep. Garbin: Cha-Cha To Reflect The People’s Voice


Rep. Garbin: Cha-Cha To Reflect The People’s Voice


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The chairman of the House committee on constitutional amendments is assuring the public, the charter change proposal to be approved by the Lower House, will reflect the true voice of the Filipino people.

AKO Bicol Party-list Representative Alfredo Garbin Jr., gives this assurance Friday, as his panel gears up for the January 13 hearing of Resolution of Both Houses No. 2, that seeks to amend several “restrictive economic provisions” of the 1987 Constitution.

The resolution was filed on July 18, 2019 by House Speaker Lord Allan Velasco.

Garbin in a statement says, the Velasco resolution contains seven proposed amendments to the 1987 Constitution targeting specific economic provisions.

First to be addressed is the phrase “Unless otherwise provided by law,” Garbin says.

Garbin meantime junks the claim of Vice President Leni Robredo’s camp that the would be charter change discussion in the House of Representatives will just be a waste of time.

The Velasco resolution has a counterpart measure in the Senate, filed last December by administration Senators Francis Tolentino and Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa.

Senate President Vicente Sotto III is set to call for an all-party caucus when session resumes on January 18, to get the chamber’s position on the matter.

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