Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rep. Tulfo Wants COVID-19 Vaccines To Be Taken Orally


Rep. Tulfo Wants COVID-19 Vaccines To Be Taken Orally


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Who would have thought that the medicine against the deadly coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) can also be taken orally?

ACT-CIS Party-list Representative Jocelyn Tulfo is pushing for anti-COVID-19 drugs stored in a capsule or pill.

Calling on the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Tulfo prefers the use of anti-COVID-19 capsules among senior citizens to avoid the “adverse reactions” that could arise from being vaccinated.

Aside from that, she also prefers this method because it ensures efficiency in rolling out the drugs since it does not require intricate storage compared to the injectables.

With this, Tulfo is hoping that America would pass biotech firms Vaxart and IosBio in the clinical trials.

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