Monday, September 30, 2024

Romualdez Supports the 2022 National Expenditure Program


Romualdez Supports the 2022 National Expenditure Program


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House Majority Leader Martin Romualdez supported the goal of President Duterte to prioritize the budget for health under the 2022 National Expenditure Program (NEP). 

According to Romualdez, the Php 5.04 billion budget proposed for 2022 is the key to regain the health and strength of our people, including our economy. 

He added that the allocation of Php 30 billion for health care benefits such as medicines, vaccines, mental and dental supplies, are reserved now for various provinces. 

Romualdez said the establishment of the Virology Science and Technology Institute of the Philippines will enhance the capacity of our health system. He assured that the budget for the 2022 NEP will also be allocated for social protection and education security. 

Further, Romualdez urged Congress to review the 2022 NEP so each budget item will be spent based on the allocation period. 

“Now that Congress has formally received the 2022 NEP, it is now the duty of your Representatives to review the proposed budget to ensure that people’s taxes will be spent fairly and equitably among regions,” he said. 

Photo Credit: Facebook/iamMartinRomualdez

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