Sunday, September 29, 2024

Salceda: ‘Punitin Na Natin Ang Cedula’


Salceda: ‘Punitin Na Natin Ang Cedula’


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Albay 2nd District Representative Joey Sarte Salceda seeks to improve the government processing system and scrap the “redundant” requirements through the House Bill No. 8455 or the Government Services Modernization Bill.

Among the reforms Salceda’s bill would institute are the abolition of the cedula, one-day business registration, and the ‘portability’ of all social benefits, including PhilHealth, SSS, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, and other social programs.

“The cedula has become obsolete for almost all intents and purposes. It’s time we phase it out, as it adds nearly an entire day to most government transactions that require it,” he said.

“The cedula was established when the use of government identification cards was not yet widespread. That is no longer the case. As a government requirement, punitin na natin ang cedula,” Salceda added.

Cedula, or the Community Tax Certification, is a form of identification that is required to be presented when enlisting a new business, scouting for a job, or filing income tax returns.

The House Ways and Means Chair’s measure also authorizes the President to exclude the mandate of cedula moving forward.

“The cedula is obviously redundant for all of these transactions. It’s time for it to go,” Salceda insisted.

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