Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sen. Leila M. De Lima’s Statement On Spokesperson Panelo’s Remarks On The Transportation Problem In Metro Manila


Sen. Leila M. De Lima’s Statement On Spokesperson Panelo’s Remarks On The Transportation Problem In Metro Manila


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Spokesperson Salvador Panelo is obviously out of touch with the dismal state of mass transportation in the country, particularly in Metro Manila. He has the gall to say there is no transportation crisis.

What I see here is an accountability crisis, where this administration refuses to take responsibility over the deteriorating state of mobility in Metro Manila.

Even worse, this administration has its priorities out of place. It has chosen to give the lion’s share of the confidential and intelligence fund to the President when it could have augmented the needs of mass transportation and other urgent concerns like public health and poverty alleviation.

The end-goal of providing mass transportation by the state is for the public to be able to move from and to places efficiently and with dignity. But what we have instead is our railway infrastructure getting worse, with the offloading of passengers who would be crammed into an already overloaded train. And with the vehicular pile-up at the SLEX, and other major roads and the now-limited operation of the LRT 2, the public is also forced to make major adjustments to departure, leaving at ungodly hours just to get to their destinations.

Tell me, Mr. Panelo, is there anything humane with leaving the house at 3:00 in the morning just to arrive on time at work? Is there anything dignifying with commuters cramming themselves inside trains with barely enough room to breathe just so they won’t receive salary deductions for tardiness? Nakarating ka nga pero nalamog na ang dignidad dahil lamang sa pangangailangan mamuhay nang disente.

I cannot for the life of me even remember when this administration actually gave a damn about the dignity of its people. From the trademark human rights violations, to the plight of the farmers, and now the commuting public, President Duterte and his lackeys continue to downplay the suffering of its people.

It is only a matter of time that people will be fed up with the illusions of “change” or even grandeur that this administration keeps on peddling to the people. When that day comes, may Duterte and his men face the nightmare of their own doing. (

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President In Action

Metro Manila