Monday, September 30, 2024

Velasco To Extend Lockdown Until January 16


Velasco To Extend Lockdown Until January 16


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House Speaker Lord Allan Velasco said that the House of the Representatives chamber will remain in lockdown until next week amid the surge of COVID-19 in the National Capital Region (NCR) and other provinces. 

The lockdown would be extended from January 10-16 as a precautionary measure to protect the health of the House members and employees. 

“We have decided to extend the lockdown by another week from January 10 to 16 as a precautionary measure to protect the health and safety of House members and employees in view of an alarming rise in COVID-19 cases in NCR and adjacent provinces,” Velasco said.

Velasco added that the House has remained in lockdown since Tuesday and that the health authorities suspected the Omicron variant is behind this surge. 

The regular work would resume on January 17, but Velasco reiterated that 20 percent of the workforce will be allowed to report to their respective offices. 

Velasco also advised the public to remain vigilant and always maintain the minimum health protocols amid the rising of COVID-19 cases. 

“Now, more than ever, it is important to continue to wear a face mask, maintain proper physical distancing, practice good hygiene, and get vaccinated. For those who have already completed their primary doses of COVID-19 vaccine, get your booster shot once you’re eligible,” Velasco said.

“These are small steps that will surely help us in a big way to protect ourselves and our loved ones from contracting the virus as we continue to fight this pandemic. We must not let our guard down.” Velasco added. 

Photo Credit: Facebook/LordAllanVelasco


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